About workshop

Workshop practical is the backbone of the real industrial environment which helps to develop and enhance relevant technical hand skills required by the technician working in the various engineering industries and workshops. Our workshop intends to impart basic know-how of various hand tools, power tools, machine tools and their use in different sections of manufacturing. Irrespective of branch, the use of workshop practices in day to day industrial as well domestic life helps to dissolve the real life problems. The workshop experiences would help to build the understanding of the complexity of the industrial job, along with time and skills requirements of the job. Workshop curriculum builds the hands on experiences which would help to learn manufacturing processes and production technology courses in successive semesters. Workshop practice is also important since only practice can make the man perfect. The students are advised to undergo each skill experience with remembrance, understanding and application with special emphasis on attitude of enquiry to know why and how for the various instructions and practices imparted to them in each shop. Institute has established seven instruction shops to learn and practices wide range of manufacturing processes. A resource in the workshop not only helps to complete engineering syllabus practical but also supports to undertake under graduate projects, creative competitive working models manufacturing to the post graduate and PhD research projects of social and industrial relevance. The Engineering Workshops consist of the Machine Shop (metal work), the Fitting Shop, the Foundry, the Smithy, the Welding shop, the Carpentry Shop and the Repair Unit and Service Facility. The Engineering Workshops have two main functions. Firstly its resources and facilities are utilized for academic work and training of engineering undergraduates. Experiments as well as training sessions are conducted for the First, Third and Final Year undergraduates in the areas of Workshop Technology, Production Engineering, and Production Technology. In addition to these, the manufacture of necessary hardware for student projects is also carried out in the workshops. The other function includes the manufacture of equipment for teaching and research, maintenance of machines and equipment including repair, servicing, and a variety of fabrication work for the faculty.
List of facilities-Workshop

The machine shop houses different machines, and a few other small machine tools and surface plates (used for marking purposes). The carpentry and fitting shop provides various types of woodworking facilities along with fitting operations. Individual table vices are mounted for individual students to work separately. Different wood-cutting and planning machines are available for woodworking and pattern-making. Woodworking lathes help to do precession woodworking operations. The foundry and forging shop has different tools and tackles, which help to provide knowledge of the complete mold-making and casting processes, along with blacksmith furnaces. The welding section (N3 Bay) houses welding cubicles with a DC inverter-type welding power source, a sheet metal working machine, and a shearing machine.
Fitting shop

fitting shop
Carpentry shop

Mr. Narayan Dey Sarkar-Workshop Instructor
Foundry shop

Mr. Gouranga Karmakar-Workshop Instructor
Welding shop

Mr. Dipankar Saha- Foreman Instructor